Monday, January 12, 2009

Be Patient With Me, I'm New At This!

I feel your fury with me - oh internet world of 0 readers! I know that I haven't posted in over a week, but believe it or not, it's not as easy as I make it look. Every time I try to log into my blog, for some reason the Internet Police don't like my passwords. I swear, I am using the same password I used to create the blog, but it just randomly allowes me into my website at it's fickle will! So, if I had been allowed to blog recently - these would have been my topics:

1 - New Year's resolutions - Hate them - but yet somehow feel compelled to make them out of fear that the moon will land on my Jeep. (some form of New Year's superstition - like eating black eyed peas and turnip greens)

2 - Going Back to Work ( after a two week Christmas vacation - makes you kinda want to fake vomiting or diareah)

3 - My son got an interview into Emory PA school - just an interview - but hey - it's better than him spending that day on my sofa, under my afghan, watching my t.v., eating my groceries, and asking to drive my car. (I really don't mind him doing any of those things. I love having him at home while he is working and trying to get into the next round of grad school).

So . . . . , that brings us up to my lastest post. MY BABY IS TURNING 20 TOMORROW. MY BABY . . . . IS TURING 20 . . . TOMORROW! I can't believe it. My beautiful daughter Megan is celebrating her 20th birthday tomorrow. 21 years ago, after my son was born I began to pray that God would bless me with another child - one whom I would understand, one who would sleep at night, one who would not like to bring dead birds and turtles into the house with no warning, one who liked Pretty Pretty Princess and not The Adsolent Retarted Asian Green Reptiles (Teenage Mutant Nnja Turtles - just my little joke), one who liked to smell good and dress pretty. Guess what - He gave me all those things! No joke! All of them. Megan is truly the daughter I prayed for. She is so special in many ways - too many to list here, but here's a sampling:

1 - She loves the Lord

2 - She loves her parents and honors them (most of the time - especially when she is in a good mood or it's the weekend).

3 - She is a great student - she is a sophomore in college and wants to teach poor children how to read.

4 - She likes to clean - and does it . . . for fun!

5 - She has a great boyfriend who does not have a tatoo, an earring, or an arrest record. His name is Chris and he loves her as much as we do - AND he is a preacher who will have a college degree in August! (Better than I could have ever prayed for).

God Blessed me with the greatest of gifts (not counting my salvation) - a solid, trusting, honorable husband and the best kids in the world. Both are goal motivated, funny, and have good hair. Life is good.

Happy Birthday Baby Girl! Your mama loves you more than you will ever know.

1 comment:

  1. Megan!! I love you and hope you have the happiest birthday so far!!!
